Help Us Take Biden to Court!

Help Us Take Biden to Court!

If the tyrannical b@st@rds who are trying to enslave our entire country would leave us alone, gun owners could stop fighting in court around the clock and just live our lives. But they won’t. So we can’t. Thanks to members like you, we just filed a Cert Petition with...
Outrageous Video: Chinese Government Slams Our Second Amendment!

💥 UN Small Arms Treaty Meeting NEXT MONTH!

In less than a month, the United Nations Small Arms working group will meet in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss the UN Small Arms Treaty! Attending this meeting is a who’s who of the world’s most brutal regimes, who are desperate to obliterate our Second Amendment. But...
I need to say something

I need to say something

I wanted to take a minute this morning before I head off to church with my family to tell you thanks for everything you’ve been doing lately in our fight for the Second Amendment. I know we send you a lot of emails and I know that we ask a lot from our members and...