Outrageous Video: Chinese Government Slams Our Second Amendment!

💥 UN Small Arms Treaty Meeting NEXT MONTH!

In less than a month, the United Nations Small Arms working group will meet in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss the UN Small Arms Treaty! Attending this meeting is a who’s who of the world’s most brutal regimes, who are desperate to obliterate our Second Amendment. But...
I need to say something

I need to say something

I wanted to take a minute this morning before I head off to church with my family to tell you thanks for everything you’ve been doing lately in our fight for the Second Amendment. I know we send you a lot of emails and I know that we ask a lot from our members and...
READ IT: Our Supreme Court Amicus Brief Filed!

READ IT: Our Supreme Court Amicus Brief Filed!

Thanks to so many supporters like you, ILFA was able to file our Amicus Brief with the United States Supreme Court before the deadline, urging them to take up the Illinois AR-15 ban case! As you know, there is a lot riding on this. 11 states plus Gov. Prickster have...
Broadest Expansion of Gun Control in Decades!

Broadest Expansion of Gun Control in Decades!

We’re facing the biggest expansion of Federal gun control in DECADES and without your help, we’re going to lose a huge piece of our Second Amendment freedom. Let me explain quickly. Ever since Biden got into office, we’ve been bombarded with gun control pushes from...