Whereas: HB-43 creates a bogus Task Force filled with ‘experts’ handpicked by Governor Pritzker for the sole purpose of justifying his desire to force gun owners in Illinois to carry civil liability insurance if we want to buy a firearm; and

Whereas: These civil liability requirements are blatantly unconstitutional and a violation of both the 2nd Amendment and multiple decisions from the United States Supreme Court that has upheld an individual’s right to bear arms without bogus requirements like this; and

Whereas: Passage of this bill is just another attempt to disarm law abiding Illinoisans, while violent predators murder, rob, and rape their way across the State of Illinois every day; and

Therefore: As your constituent, I insist that you VOTE NO on HB-43 or any similar legislation that facilitates or outright passes legislation that forces gun owners to carry civil liability insurance. The Illinois State Firearms Association will keep me informed on your votes.

And when you’re done, please make a donation of $100, $50, $25 or just $17.76 so that ILFA can mobilize as many gun owners as possible to help us crush this legislation!