I need to say something

I need to say something

Sunday, April 14th, 2024

Chip in $10

I wanted to take a minute this morning before I head off to church with my family to tell you thanks for everything you’ve been doing lately in our fight for the Second Amendment.

I know we send you a lot of emails and I know that we ask a lot from our members and supporters.

The only reason we do that, quite frankly, is because as a member of the Illinois Firearms Association, you’re one of our very best activists in the state.

I advocate for gun rights and against gun control as my full-time job.

Because of that, I think it is sometimes easy for me to become too focused on the fight before us to stop and take account of how much work and effort you have been putting into this struggle.

And that’s especially true in light of everyone’s daily time commitments and obligations.

I know you do a lot, both for this organization and for the larger task of defending, protecting, and advancing the Second Amendment we all share.

For that work, for your financial resources, and for staying with us in this fight, I wanted to reach out to you personally and say thanks.

Now it’s off to church!

~~ Aaron

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director

Illinois Firearms Association

Categories: Uncategorized


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