🚨 Breaking: We’re Taking the AR-15 Fight into the Supreme Court!

🚨 Breaking: We’re Taking the AR-15 Fight into the Supreme Court!

Tuesday, February 27th, 2024

Chip in $10

I’m going to get right to it.

The Illinois Firearms Association is submitting an Amicus Brief to the United States Supreme Court over the AR-15 ban that took effect here last year, and we need your help right away!

As you’re about to read, this is the BEST TIME to do this.

But as you’re also about to read, we need to move very fast.

Whatever you think of President Trump, the impact of his judicial nominations will be felt for decades to come.

During his four years in office, Trump successfully appointed a staggering 174 Federal District Court judges. This is the lowest court in the federal process, but these are lifetime appointments!

In addition, Trump added 54 Federal Circuit Court judges to the bench. These judges hear all appeals that stem from the District Court level.

And, of course, everyone knows that Trump appointed 3 Associate Justices to the United States Supreme Court.

The results have been amazing!

(ILFA’s Alex Dorr moments before arguments against IL’s AR-15 ban in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals last summer!)

Dozens of state and federal gun control laws have been blocked in District Court; many of these cases were upheld at the Circuit Courts level.

And then there was the Bruen decision from the United States Supreme Court! As you know, this decision in 2022 has completely reshaped the fight for the Second Amendment!

Prior to Bruen, courts analyzed gun control laws through a two-pronged approach. First, was the law in question an infringement on an individual right covered by the Heller Decision?

If not, the court then applied ‘means-end scrutiny.’ Judges would decide if the gun law furthered a ‘governmental interest.’

Since the majority of federal judges certainly prior to Trump were anti-gun, they almost ALWAYS found a ‘governmental interest’ to justify and uphold gun control laws.

That’s why 90% of the legal challenges filed in court in the wake of the Heller decision from 2008 failed!

Bruen changed all of that. Now gun control laws need to pass the first two criteria but must also show that the law has a historical precedent that justifies its existence.

Writing for the majority, Clarence Thomas said:

We hold that when the Second Amendment’s plain text covers an individual’s conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct. To justify its regulation, the government may not simply posit that the regulation promotes an important interest. Rather, the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with this Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.

This new judicial standard is why now is the best time to fight in court in generations. And ILFA is LEADING THE FIGHT!


As you know, the District Court sided with Governor Pritzker in each of the lawsuits that were initially filed in this case.

And the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals did the same thing, rejecting our Amicus Brief in the process in Caleb Barnett v Kwame Raoul (Case# 23-1825.)

But the upside to all of this is that having exhausted the District and Circuit Court process, we are now free to appeal this case directly to the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS!)

To be clear, it’s not easy getting a case heard by SCOTUS.

The process itself is simple. The party must file what’s known as a certiorari petition (cert petition) asking the court to agree to hear the case. But four justices must agree with the cert petition for the case to make it onto the docket.

That’s the hard part.

Because whenever a gun rights organization seeks a cert petition with the United States Supreme Court, dozens of Leftist groups file Amicus Briefs urging the court to refuse the case.

It’s easy for them.

With almost limitless funds from Soros or Bloomberg-backed organizations, their lawyers can file briefs one after the next.

That’s why organizations like the Illinois Firearms Association need to flood the court with Amicus Briefs urging the court to take up this case.

We could tip the scale!

I’m sure you can see why we’re so excited to proceed!


If we win this case, Illinois’s AR-15 ban will be overturned and we’ll be free to go back to how things were here.

But, more than that, this could be the case that the Supreme Court uses to invalidate ‘assault weapons bans’ nationwide — freeing millions of gun owners from the tyranny of these laws!

But filing Amicus Briefs with the Supreme Court isn’t cheap. And, given the timetable that we are working with (I’ve had to tell our lawyers to work very quickly) the costs rise fast.

And that’s why I am writing to you today.

It is imperative that ILFA raises $33,000 in the next three weeks, to make sure that our lawyers can support this cert petition with the hardest-hitting Amicus Brief possible!

Our lawyers need to:

>>> Review the decision from the 7th Circuit and lower courts;

>>> Review all Amicus Briefs opposing the cert petition;

>>> Work with the lawyers on the case, to make sure that our Amicus Brief augments their case as much as possible.

Once that’s done, they’ll be able to craft our Amicus Brief to fit the situation. But before I can unleash our lawyers, I need to know that I can afford to cut the check to pay for all of this.

That’s why I hope you will consider a donation of $100 or even $250, so I can engage our legal team.

I know that’s a lot.

But the stakes simply could not be higher. And since this is the most pro-gun Supreme Court that we’ve had in our lifetime, there has never been a better time to make this stand!

So if $100 is not possible, I really hope that you will make a donation of $75, $50 or at least $25 RIGHT AWAY.

Please hurry!

With the cert petition having been filed, we must file our Amicus Brief in support in 30 days!

This may be our best chance at reversing Pritzker’s AR-15 ban!

Please make your most generous donation TODAY!

For Freedom,

Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Illinois Firearms Association

P.S. Now that the Federal District and Circuit Courts have refused to overturn the AR-15 ban that J.B. Pritzker signed into law last year, this fight may be headed to the United States Supreme Court.

But first, they need to grant the ‘cert petition’ request, and dozens of gun control organizations are urging the court not to.

The Illinois Firearms Association MUST unleash our lawyers, so they can file the hardest-hitting Amicus Brief possible urging the Supreme Court to consider the constitutionality of an AR-15 ban once and for all!

But to do that, I need to be able to pay for it.


Please make a generous donation of $250, $100, $75, $50 or at least $25 today so I can unleash our lawyers in time!

Categories: Uncategorized


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